Sunderland, England, St Bede's Cross conservation with DJ Frank Dougan ...

Written and researched by Francis Joseph Dougan-Knight of St. Columba. St. Bede's Cross at Roker Beach on A183 opposite Roker Park, Sunderland is in my opinion arguably one of the greatest Christian works of art in all of England! It was reported in The Sunderland Echo on12 April 1903 when it was about to be erected 14 October 1904. This magnificent wonder of art was created by Charles Hodges of Hexham. On the base of St. Bede's Cross is carved these immortal words; 'To the Glory of God and in memory of His servant Baeda the Venerable (St. Bede) who was born between Wear and Tyne DCLXXIII and died at Jarrow, Ascension Day DCCXXXV. On the North Sea facing part of The Cross which is over 20 feet high are exquisite depictions of St. Bede's life he was and still is the greatest scholar, writer. Philosopher and only Doctor of The Holy Roman Catholic Church on all these islands! Depictions of Our great Saint from this wonder of Sunderland; From top down; Baeda comes to Jarrow-Benedict & Sicgfrith- The Codex Amiatinus- Baeda writing the history- Baeda's last moments. On the street facing front of The Cross are the words of St. Bede and let us bear in mind this is The Cross of Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ the living Son of Our Father in heaven from whom our civilization was granted to only us Christians. St. Bede wrote; 'To the Holy Bishop Eadfrith and the brethren who serve Christ in the island of Lindisfarne. I have not presumed to write down anything of such a man as Our Father Cuthbert without the closest enoviry into the facts nor to publish what I have written without the most careful scrutiny of sure witnesses. To the most Glorious King Ceoluuf, Baeda servant of Christ and priest at your request. O King I gladly sent sometime ago my draft of The Church History of The English Race that you might read and approve it. I now send it to you again to be copied out that you may study it more fully at your leisure'. St. Bede wrote the first ever History of England and the English people he also translated and wrote The Bible, The Codex Amiatinus which is now in Florence, Italy and he also translated and wrote The Gospel of St. John and over seventy books during his lifetime c 674-734 his early years were spent in St. Peter's monastery in Wearmouth, Sunderland and his adult life in St. Paul's monastery, in Jarrow these were twin monasteries created and built by St. Benedict Biscop and were developed into the greatest academic establishments in all of Europe outside of Rome which was the centre of the then known world, indeed St. Bede created the first ever school curriculum which was used for hundreds of years all over Europe. On the side of St. Bede's Cross facing towards Jarrow are carved face depictions of the great English saints who created the Christian civilization of England from top down; St. Trumberg, St. Benedict Biscop. St. Eggfrith, St. John Sarl Chant, St. Osterwine, St. Sicgfrith, St. Ceolfrith, St. Acca, St. Huatberct, St. Ceoluulf, St. Ecgberct. I have contacted Sunderland Planning and Conservation Department by telephone 0191 561 1515 and spoke with both Mr. Mark Taylor and Mr. Ian Smithwhite and asked if any conservation of St. Bede's Cross was planned? Mr. Smithwhite told me today 20 November 2014 that the department were considering some works however, money is very short in these austere times. I understand the position of Sunderland Council as development is costly and many works are taking place all over this great city. St. Bede's Cross has been there for over 110 years and the tempestuous North Sea, Acid Rain, dampness, extremities of fumes and emissions from cars, taxis, buses, trucks are devouring the stone and eroding the sacred holy inscriptions and depictions which will in time reduce this wonderful holy icon of The Cross of Our Beloved Lord Jesus and His English saints, to a pile of rubble unless in my humble opinion to completely cover Our Cross of England's Glorious Christian History perhaps in a glass dome or structure and lit up and mariners who pass by on ships in the darkest of night will be able to bless themselves far out in the North Sea and carry them safely to their destinations. I can assure anyone that great things will happen for Sunderland and anyone who takes care of Jesus and His Saints, He will take care of you! By DJ Frank Dougan The trial and execution of Mary Queen of Scots; Source; English State Archives 1587. Translated and written by Frank Dougan into modern day English. Also included poems by Robert Burns and Frank Dougan and the truth about Scottish Presbyterian despotic brutal Protestant hate preacher John Knox dissected by Professor Edwin Muir.


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